Aug 25 , 2001

HammerHead in association with SummerWorks presents:
Rabid - A Skinhead Fable by Kevin Rees-Cummings

Rabid is a skinhead fable - a cautionary tale about the destructive nature of hate - played out like a drug-induced bedtime story. The play does not deal, in any direct manner, with the politics of racism. Instead, it uses many facets of performance (puppetry, choreography, music, etc.) to illustrate how hate destroys the hater as well as the hated.

The dynamic cast of Rabid includes Ryan McVittie, author of smash-hit The Contract in this year's Toronto Fringe, Allison Rees-Cummings, recipient of the 2001 Toronto Emerging Artist Award for Dance, as well as Rebecca Burton, Sandy Donaldson, Radek Hajda, and Shane MacKinnon.

Rabid runs at the Factory Theatre August 2 - August 10.