Subject: The Ten Year Celebration Begins!!


Well…we’re getting old, kids.


It has been TEN YEARS since Kurt and I first met and instantly started to perform with each other…frightening.


To celebrate our ten year anniversary we’ve decided to do a number of shows, culminating in February, with our hosting of the Arts Canterbury Fundraising Gala in Ottawa…on the very stage where we honed our skills to the comedic perfection we’ve all come to know and love…(cough).


The first of these shows will be on Monday October 6th at the weekly improv show “Catch 23” which takes place at Clinton's Tavern, 693 Bloor St. W.


So come bearing gifts of Tin or Aluminum, help us kick off this once in a decade year and enjoy what should be a really fun show.


What:  Catch 23 Improv
Kurt and Martin vs. Iron Cobra (Graham Wagner, Becky Johnson) vs. some other team.
When: Monday October 6th - doors open at 8:30pm
Where: Clinton's Tavern, 693 Bloor St. W.
How much: $5
P.S.  For those of you who haven't been to Catch23 in a LONG while, what a great reason to finally come back!