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After CHS, Brian married Marilyn and graduated from Queen's University with a degree in Film and Theatre. He did some judging for the Games in Kingston. He was part of the BOFA Fringe in '96, the Life of Barry, the BOFA Homecoming in '96, and the CHS fundraiser, The Stars Return, in 2001. He wrote his first play, Yellowwood, which was directed by Dave Nugent, and produced in The Baby Grand Theatre. Brian has continued working in the theatre in Kingston in many different capacities: directing, acting, design, production and scene construction.
Some of the works he has directed or acted in are: Yellowwood, Criminals in Love, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, High Life, Hurlyburly, Village of Idiots, The Passion, Our Town , The Skin of our Teeth.
He teaches a film and media course each summer for Queen's.
He and Marilyn, now a stage manager, are the general managers of Theatre Kingston for this coming year, 2002-2003.
His supreme loyalty and caring. His solace, his tough love. Every team from '95 - '00 loves Brian for coming home each year for a few days to help coach, and to inspire the team with his love, his work ethic and his outspoken criticism of just about everything unfair in the world…or at least that which he deems unfair.

On BOFA '95, Brian was known for his quick wit, encyclopaedic mind, his acerbic tongue, his principles, his fluency, his ability to rhyme, his fierce loyalty, his artistic ability, his inability to back down, and his perfect performances in the challenging Modern Musical game. For his bleeding hands every day in practice for Stomp in Steve's studio 18, and for leading the timing of Stomp. For his music, his politics, his religious pronouncements. For Neil Young in Youth Issues. For the team t-shirts he designed, had made and delivered, year after year. For being gallant, for always standing up for his beliefs. And for "the Snatch." For his wonderful parents. For his integrity and devotion.

Written in Sept., 2002
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