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Andrew Morphew's Life After BOFA (high school)
Andrew thought it would be a good idea if he went to university after high school, so he did, and went to Carleton University to take Mass Communication. However Andrew decided that Carleton was really not the place he wanted to be.
Andrew missed doing theatre a lot and especially clowning. He decided to gather all his courage and money and apply to a school in Northern California. The school is called the Dell'Arte School of Physical Theatre
and it is one of the only schools in the world that focuses solely on physical theatre. With a little bit of luck and a lot of determination Andrew got accepted into the school and spent a whole year down in beautiful California. He studied clown, mask, commedia dell'arte, improv, mime and many other types of physical theatre- related classes. Andrew loved his time there and will always remember it.
When Andrew got back to Canada he got a chance to work with a company called Odyssey Theatre in Ottawa. This outdoor theatre company focuses their shows on mask work and commedia dell'arte. It turned out very well because Andrew has now been working with the company for four consecutive summer seasons as well as other projects.
Andrew also, since he has been back, joined a young company called Counternotes. Made up of mainly ex-Canterbury students the company focused on creating original works in physical comedy and clowning. The two shows Andrew are most of proud of being involved with were Scrambled Eggs (1999) and Waiting for Uncle Eddie (2000). Andrew had strong involvement in writing and producing these two shows, as well as performing them. He finds it is a very important as an actor to be creating his own material in order to express himself as an artist.
Andrew as well as performing and creating has decided to take a stab at teaching. He has taught clown classes at the Ottawa School of Speech of Drama, and very recently at Canterbury High School. He has always thought it would be funny to come back to Canterbury to teach, but had no idea it would be so soon in his life. He is happy to give back to something that gave him something very important and is also glad to get paid to do it.
Andrew still lives in Ottawa and has no definite plans for his future, but many possible plans. He has had his ups and downs, but that is to be expected in a life of theatre. Andrew is happy to be doing what he loves.
In conclusion Andrew would like to thank Jane Moore and all the people who helped create the BOFA legacy. BOFA taught him many things, some things that he retained at that point of his life and things he didn't realize were important to his work much later. In retrospect Andrew will never forget the vast learning experience.  
Also who could forget some of the memories or funny moments that happened. For example the obsession with Andrew's bum, Ms. Moore's psychedelic, preposterous, proposals after taking heavy migraine medication, and the secret BOFA boys’ talks at sleep-overs about having crushes on Ms. Moore's daughters.  
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